Archive for the tag: work

How Does a Military Divorce Work if One Party is an Active Duty Servicemember?

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The principle that we’re discussing today is the SCRA, or Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you have a servicemember who’s overseas, you CAN file for divorce. However, if the other party is overseas on active duty, he or she probably won’t be able to meaningfully participate in the divorce process. The SCRA isn’t automatic – it has to be invoked. The servicemember would have to invoke it with the court and it allows a delay in the process to allow the servicemember to participate. If there’s going to be a hearing of any kind, any party has the right to participate in the hearing. The delay is not going to be in filing for divorce, but simply a delay in allowing that service member to participate at a point in time where either their active duty service has ended or there is some opportunity where he or she can engage in the process and participate.

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Did the Stimulus Work?

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Did the stimulus work? A new video answers that question by looking at three broad, but important, indicators for the American economy. All three were in bad shape before the stimulus began, and all three turned around at almost exactly the moment the stimulus started. Coincidence?

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Tax season has officially begun and many have questions about claiming a stimulus check as part of their IRS refund. Trudy Howard of Howard Tax Prep LLC offers tips on getting your refund.
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How does the divorce process work?

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*This is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. This video is for informational purposes only. If you need legal advice, you should consult individually with an attorney*

This video answers the common question: “How does the divorce process work?” Although no divorce is exactly the same as another, this video explains the general phases that can possibly happen in a divorce case.
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