Archive for the tag: Mating

The evolution of human mating: David Puts at TEDxPSU

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David Puts discusses the evolution of human mating and reproduction, illustrating how evolutionary biology can help us understand ourselves and each other. Topics include how people compete for and choose mates, men’s care for their children, infidelity, and women’s orgasms (This talk describes explicit sexual content and contains graphic images)

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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With the upcoming full moon, the mood was right, for this young Chacma Baboon pair!

Thank you for visiting Brads World Reptiles YouTube channel! These different videos are a reflection of my passion for wildlife, wildlife conservation and my interest in creating educational opportunities about our natural world. Most of my life has been spent around domestic and exotic wildlife as a hobbyist, an animal curator, and a life science educator. This has created opportunities to meet some very interesting people, work with and observe some of our worlds most fascinating wildlife species, and enabled travel to some of the most remote places of our planet in over thirty different countries. As well, our facilities has been working with hundreds of varieties of exotic reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals and arthropods that have been used in educational programs throughout the Pacific Northwest.

These videos, which were either filmed here in the United States or in different countries around the world, were either filmed recently, or up to several decades ago. I’m using Youtube as a way of sharing some of my most interesting moments.

I hope you enjoy viewing, and if you’d like to see more content with what we are doing now with public education, ecosystem preservation, and our educational exhibits at state and county fairs, please visit our website at

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Brad Tylman
Brads World Reptiles

Very Rare Mating Style of Frogs #shorts

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Pigeon Mating

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تزاوج الحمام
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Alligator Mating: The Sights and Sounds of Alligator Mating Season in the Florida Everglades.

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Have you ever seen an alligator penis? See an alpha male strut his stuff, courtship and the incredible sounds of alligator mating season in the Florida Everglades.
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Rare footage showing how alligators mate! Enjoy!
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Big Horse mating | Animals mating and human | Horse mating 2019 | Horse breeding

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Big Horse mating | Animals mating and human | Horse mating 2019 | Horse breeding

horse mating,animals mating,donkey mating,Animals mating and human,Horse mating 2019,Horse breeding
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Dolphins mating season.

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New version – Dolphins mating season:

Large group of Spinner Dolphins copulate promiscuous at Red Sea.
Dolphins courting and promiscuous mating on Sataya Reef in Red Sea, Marsa Alam, Egypt

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Underwater test for YI 4K+ action camera
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Videographer / Director: Andrey Nekrasov (
Second videographer: Stanislav Duz (
Editor: Alexander Kurakin (
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Goldfish mating or goldfish playing?
10 gallon goldfish tank, with Black Moor Goldfish.
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Alligators Showing Off for Mating Season | Animal Super Senses | BBC Earth

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Every spring the male alligators put on a spectacular mating display but can Helen get them to start flirting? Taken from Animal Super Senses. Subscribe:

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Wild Thailand:

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content.

This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback
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In this clip @allmypets, you can see how romantic the male crocs having courting relationship with their female partners before their mating. Watch full video to see how a romantic relationship they have.
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#allmypets #crocodile mating #croc breeding

Gorilla Mating | Mountain Gorilla | BBC Earth

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Gorilla Mating | Mountain Gorilla | BBC Earth

A female in the group chases after the dominant silverback in order to mate with him. But his lack of interest pushes her towards one of the more juvenile adults instead. Subscribe:

New on Earth:
Wild Thailand:

Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you’ll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn’t get more exciting than this.

This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback

Monkey Mating Is Very Best, To Produce Their Off spring! 23

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Thank you for your watching my videos showing you about Monkey Mating Is Very Best, To Produce Their Off spring! 23, please subscribe, share and comment to my channel.
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Why Dogs Get Stuck After Mating – Breeding Process Explained

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In this video, we’ll explain why dogs get stuck together during mating, why dogs appear to be distressed by it, and whether you should intervene during a dog tie and lock while after they mate.

Dogs get stuck to each other because there are multiple steps happening while they are mating. Getting stuck or lock is a common, natural phenomenon. It is simply a stage of the dog breeding process, and is technically known as copulatory tie.
And there is no defined time until when the dogs would remain in tie. It may last up to an hour. To understand the full process, we first need to analyze the male canine’s genital organ. The tie gives the female dog a higher chance of getting pregnant. Theories suggest that the reason the two dogs face outward from each another is a form of defense mechanism. It allows the two dogs to survey their surroundings.
If you come across dogs who are tied to another, do not try to separate them. While the dogs often start whimpering, whining or even barking, it’s important to realize that this process is normal and natural.
Separating them is dangerous and can hurt both dogs. It can rupture their sexual organs.
Interestingly enough, this behavior isn’t unique to dogs, it’s found in most canids, including wolves, foxes and coyotes.