Archive for the tag: After

Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse – Dr. Mamatha Reddy YV

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This is one of the commonest question asked, after sexual activity there is increase in sperm leakage, could that be the reason why I am not able to conceive? The sperm leakage or a semen leakage occurs in all individuals whenever there is a sexual activity because the semen cannot enter into the cervical canal. The semen always leaks out but the sperms are actively motile, they move up through the uterus to reach the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Only precaution what the man has to do if she is planning a pregnancy is not to wash out the semen immediately after a sexual activity because water is toxic to the sperms and then lie down for sometime, say 10 – 15 minutes and then wipe out the secretions. So do not be bothered about sperm leakage, it can happen in all individuals.
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Is pregnancy possible if regular cycles occur after intercourse? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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First is regular cycle. Second is contact 2 to 3 days prior to regular cycle. So that is usually a safe period. S we do not expect a pregnancy as well. So the question is 99.5% sure that there is no pregnancy or abnormal pregnancies like a tube pregnancies or anything abnormal, any early miscarriages 100% cannot be ruled out. So basically 2 – 3 days contact before the regular cycles are not going to make her pregnant and more than 99%,without a pregnancy. But in case a previous sexual activity has been done, it can be. But regular cycles coming as normal unless and otherwise proved.
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Vaginal pain with urination could be urinary tract infection. The precaution to be taken are to drink plenty of water, drink cranberry juice, which inhibits E. coli from adhering to the bladder. Tablets containing cranberry and hibiscus extracts are available. Take probiotic supplements which will maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and immunity. Antibiotics can be taken after taking the urine routine and the urine culture sensitivity. Hormone replacement therapy can be done in postmenopausal or premenopausal women where in the repeated urinary tract infection is due to vaginal dryness due to lack of estrogen. Drink plenty of water before and after the intercourse. Use pH maintaining feminine washes. Take probiotics containing lactobacilli, then in the washroom, wash from front to back, not from back to front as reverse washing can cause the bacteria from the anal region will enter into the urethral region. Mild bleeding after intercourse. We need or rule out local causes of the cervix like cervical erosions, cervical polyps, cervical cancers. Also intermittent bleeding can be to hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian disease. Do a pap smear regularly. Once the woman is sexually active, she needs to do a pap smear every year and once the pap smears are normal, they can do it every fourth yearly.
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How Divorce Changes a Man | Moving on After Divorce | Life After Divorce for Men

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How Divorce Changes a Man | Moving on After Divorce | Life After Divorce for Men ” How to move on from a relationship takes a different view of the past 2 years as a single man. As a Divorce Coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of men who are at their end. This gives a viewpoint of what I would do if I could go back in time and tell myself about what to expect the next two years.

Tags Include:
How to Move on from a Relationship
How Divorce Changes a Man,
life after divorce for men,
divorce coach,
self reflection after divorce,
2 years separation divorce,
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after divorce moving on,
moving on after divorce

If you could turn back time and speak to yourself during the beginning stages of the divorce, what would you tell yourself? What pitfalls did you hit, what were some major wins, what would you do different? I’m Rene, your divorce and recovery coach and It’s been 2 years since my separation so I thought it appropriate to speak about one of the most tumultuous times men undergo,,,, your separation. But this story isn’t about me but rather our story and it’s one of triumph so let’s start revving that engine.

I’m Rene, a men’s divorce and recovery coach. If I could hold that broken man that was me 2 years ago,,,, alone, in silence, confused and feeling worthless I’d look at him smile and say in no uncertain term that I’m going to go through my biggest renesance and that all this pain, expensive as it is, was all worth it. I was scared, I was really scared but although I bruised, I did scar and that in a matter of weeks not months, I was going to find myself again. That I wasn’t only going to land on my feet but that I dodged a bullet and thrived but it was going to take losing the social circle I gained during those 7 years I was with my ex.

0:00 Introduction
0:45 All this Pain was all Worth it
1:16 Loss Of Friends
1:59 I was arrogant
3:00 Perspective on Reality
4:19 Biggest Fear
5:00 Right Approach to Dating
5:27 First Year Single
6:12 I settled
6:30 Found Love
7:10 How About You
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Why Dogs Get Stuck After Mating – Breeding Process Explained

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In this video, we’ll explain why dogs get stuck together during mating, why dogs appear to be distressed by it, and whether you should intervene during a dog tie and lock while after they mate.

Dogs get stuck to each other because there are multiple steps happening while they are mating. Getting stuck or lock is a common, natural phenomenon. It is simply a stage of the dog breeding process, and is technically known as copulatory tie.
And there is no defined time until when the dogs would remain in tie. It may last up to an hour. To understand the full process, we first need to analyze the male canine’s genital organ. The tie gives the female dog a higher chance of getting pregnant. Theories suggest that the reason the two dogs face outward from each another is a form of defense mechanism. It allows the two dogs to survey their surroundings.
If you come across dogs who are tied to another, do not try to separate them. While the dogs often start whimpering, whining or even barking, it’s important to realize that this process is normal and natural.
Separating them is dangerous and can hurt both dogs. It can rupture their sexual organs.
Interestingly enough, this behavior isn’t unique to dogs, it’s found in most canids, including wolves, foxes and coyotes.

Why Dogs Get Stuck After MATING – Breeding Explanation

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Why do dogs stick when they mate? In this new video from AnimalWised we will answer this question and explain in a clear and simple way why dogs get locked together after mating. If you have ever witnessed this situation or simply would like to know the reason for behavior, discover with us why dogs get stuck when they mate, something that happens during the canine copulation process. This mating process is required for the different stages of insemination to occur. We also show you why it is so important not to separate dogs which are stuck during mating. If you want to know a little more, you can go over to our site to read the original article:

On AnimalWised you’ll discover a high quality channel that’s exclusively devoted to the Animal Kingdom. You’ll find all sorts of content: from training, diet or beauty and everything that can be useful for you as a pet owner or animal lover. Want to become AnimalWised? Take a look and have fun with us!

AnimalWised Web –
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Thanks to 23andMe for sponsoring this video!

Male birds have the largest genital diversity of any class of animals because their sex chromosomes make it easy to pass male-helping mutations down the line.

Thanks also to our supporters on

To learn more, start your googling with these keywords:
Sex chromosome: A chromosome involved in determining the sex of an individual.
Cloaca: A posterior orifice that serves as the only exit for the gastrointestinal, urinary and genital tracts.
Mutation: An alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
Sexually-selected Trait: A trait based on a mutation that confers a reproductive advantage.
BMP4: A protein whose presence halts the growth of bird penises in the egg.

If you liked this week’s video, you might also like:
An article from The Week about some of the strangest penises in the animal kingdom:

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Credits (and Twitter handles):
Script Writer: David Goldenberg (@dgoldenberg)
Script Editor: Kate Yoshida (@KateYoshida)
Video Illustrator: Ever Salazar (@eversalazar)
Video Director: Emily Elert (@eelert)
Video Narrator: Emily Elert (@eelert)
With Contributions From: Henry Reich, Alex Reich, Peter Reich
Music by: Nathaniel Schroeder:



Brennan, P. and Prum, R. (2015). Mechanisms and Evidence of Genital Coevolution: The Roles of Natural Selection,Mate Choice, and Sexual Conflict. 1-21. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. Retrieved from:

Brennan, P. (2013). Genital Evolution: Cock-a-Doodle-Don’t. Current Biology. R523-R525. Retrieved from:

Brennan, P., Birkhead, T., Zyskowski, K., van der Waagand, J., and Prum, R. (2008). Independent evolutionary reductions of the phallus in basal birds. Journal of Avian Biology, 39: 487-492. Retrieved from:

Briskie, J. and Montgomerie, R. (1997). Sexual selection and the intromittent organ of birds. Journal of Avian Biology. 28: 73-86. Retrieved from:

Herrera, A., Brennan, P., and Cohn, M. (2014). Development of Avian External Genitalia: Interspecific Differences and Sexual Differentiation of the Male and Female Phallus. Sexual Development. 9: 43-52. Retrieved from:

Reinhold, K. (1998). Sex linkage among genes controlling sexually selected traits. Sexual Selection. 44:1-7. Retrieved from:

Image Credits:

Mandarin Ducks – Francis C. Franklin

Gorillas – Based on photo by Wikimedia user No escape

Lake Duck Penis – Kevin McCracken (Published in Nature 2001)

What's Women's Life After Divorce

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Divorce can be extremely hard for both the people involved in the relationship. Life after divorce for women is a struggle full of hardships and challenging circumstances. It can make you feel lonely, depressed, economically vulnerable, and clueless about what the future holds for you.
As we all know marriage is a beautiful thing, where two people come together and vow to spend the rest of their lives loving and supporting each other. But sometimes, things don’t go according to our plans. Sometimes relationships get damaged beyond repair and the only way out is to part ways.
At first, it would feel like the hell just broke loose and your whole world has turned upside down. And rightly so. After making promises to be on each other’s side for life, spending quality time together, seeing your relationship falling apart can be devastating. But after every hardship, there is ease. This chaos doesn’t last forever. Eventually you learn to come out of it as a better and stronger person.
It cannot be generalized what is women’s life like after divorce. There are some women who move on quickly, find a partner and begin a new life. Others stay in mess, misery, and despair for long. Interestingly, life after divorce is not that complicated for women. It is true that there is chaos and a sea of emotions, but they are clear about their motive; to rebuild their lives in a better way and never look back.
If you are a woman who is going through this tough period, Bian Cey is here for you. Here are some ways that will help you move one to the next stage of your life. So, sit tight and don’t go anywhere.
1. Let your emotions flow
Divorce is just like the death of a marriage, so it’s understandable that you are full of emotions even if you were the one who wanted to part ways. Let yourself grieve and mourn. Let those tears take away all emotions from your system. Stay in bed for a few days eating ice cream if you want, but not for too long.
2. Get help from friends
After divorce, it is obvious that you are full of negative energy and you might try to do stupid and rash things like drunk dialing your ex-husband, posting brutal things on social media, leaking personal information or slashing his tires. Your close friends can help you control these kinds of urges.
3. Get professional help
Leaning on your friends for early help is always a good start when all you want is to be alone and stay in your bed all day. At some point, you need to develop some courage and start thinking about ways to start a new and better life. A spiritual advisor or therapist can guide you in this regard. It is hard to get motivated about life in this situation and a therapist can provide you the external support you need to ignite your inner light.
4. Rediscover yourself
A couple is referred to as one unit. When it splits, often the halves lose their own identity and start questioning who they really are.
You feel like you don’t exist anymore. You’ve always considered yourself a part of the couple, never an individual person.
Rediscovering yourself can be tricky. You need to start from the basics. List down things you like about yourself. Pen down your strengths and weaknesses, your unique characteristics and what you want to do in your life.
5. Start dating again
If one relationship didn’t have the perfect ending, it doesn’t mean your every relationship would end that way. In fact, dating is a great way to speed up your rehab process. Here the question arises “How do you know if its time to start dating again”. The answer is, “when it feels good, it’s time”.
Keep it light and try to have fun. Don’t start looking for a long-term relationship right away. As you are not in the best state of mind, there are chances you would make the wrong decision.
6. Manage your finances
You were used to managing your finances as a couple where probably both of you used to contribute. Now, you need to take the charge and get organized with your finances. You don’t want to be a person who ends up being broke after your divorce.
7. Celebrate yourself
Last but not the least, when you finally come out of an extremely hard time of divorce, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve done a marvelous job, and this calls for a deserving celebration. Get in touch with old friends and throw yourself a party. Do things that were on your bucket list for ages, but you didn’t get the chance to do. Have a little vacation with your girlfriends, children or alone. When you are ready, prepare yourself to embark on a new journey, with new people, new adventures and new opportunities.


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