Archive for the 'sex' Category

Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse – Dr. Mamatha Reddy YV

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This is one of the commonest question asked, after sexual activity there is increase in sperm leakage, could that be the reason why I am not able to conceive? The sperm leakage or a semen leakage occurs in all individuals whenever there is a sexual activity because the semen cannot enter into the cervical canal. The semen always leaks out but the sperms are actively motile, they move up through the uterus to reach the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Only precaution what the man has to do if she is planning a pregnancy is not to wash out the semen immediately after a sexual activity because water is toxic to the sperms and then lie down for sometime, say 10 – 15 minutes and then wipe out the secretions. So do not be bothered about sperm leakage, it can happen in all individuals.
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Copulate Meaning

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Video shows what copulate means. To engage in sexual intercourse.. copulate pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. copulate meaning. Powered by MaryTTS
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Intercourse – Trailer – Stockholm International Film Festival 2017

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Director: Jonatan Etzler
Writer: Jonatan Etzler
Stars: Amalia Holm Bjelke, Marcus Vögeli

What Does Collate Mean When Printing – Benefits & It Uses

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When you print several papers, you might have heard the word “collate.” It might sound like a big word, but it’s quite simple. Imagine you’re putting together a puzzle. You want all the pieces to be in the right order, right? Well, collate printing helps do just that, but with paper!

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Fist-and-palm salute, a Chinese tradition, is performed to greet each other on formal occasions such as the Spring Festival and weddings. Take a look at how Chinese do it on the occasion of the Lunar New Year #ChineseNewYear
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Regarding, In Regard To, As Regards, Regards [Advanced English Vocabulary]

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In this video, learn advanced English vocabulary and learn how to use “regarding”, “in regard to” and “as regards”.

“Regarding”, “in regard to” and “as regards” have the same meaning. They are a formal way of saying “about”.

“Regarding” is the most commonly used.

If you use “in regard to” make sure you don’t say “in regards to”. There is no “s” on “regard”. This is a common mistake that even native speakers make.

And if you use ‘”as regards” make sure there is an “s” on “regards” and there’s no preposition “to”.

In terms of sentence structure, “regarding”, “in regard to” and “as regards” can be followed by a noun or a gerund verb.

By the end of the video, you’ll feel confident using “regarding”, “in regard to” and “as regards” in your advanced English vocabulary.

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Is pregnancy possible if regular cycles occur after intercourse? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

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First is regular cycle. Second is contact 2 to 3 days prior to regular cycle. So that is usually a safe period. S we do not expect a pregnancy as well. So the question is 99.5% sure that there is no pregnancy or abnormal pregnancies like a tube pregnancies or anything abnormal, any early miscarriages 100% cannot be ruled out. So basically 2 – 3 days contact before the regular cycles are not going to make her pregnant and more than 99%,without a pregnancy. But in case a previous sexual activity has been done, it can be. But regular cycles coming as normal unless and otherwise proved.
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Vaginal pain with urination could be urinary tract infection. The precaution to be taken are to drink plenty of water, drink cranberry juice, which inhibits E. coli from adhering to the bladder. Tablets containing cranberry and hibiscus extracts are available. Take probiotic supplements which will maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and immunity. Antibiotics can be taken after taking the urine routine and the urine culture sensitivity. Hormone replacement therapy can be done in postmenopausal or premenopausal women where in the repeated urinary tract infection is due to vaginal dryness due to lack of estrogen. Drink plenty of water before and after the intercourse. Use pH maintaining feminine washes. Take probiotics containing lactobacilli, then in the washroom, wash from front to back, not from back to front as reverse washing can cause the bacteria from the anal region will enter into the urethral region. Mild bleeding after intercourse. We need or rule out local causes of the cervix like cervical erosions, cervical polyps, cervical cancers. Also intermittent bleeding can be to hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian disease. Do a pap smear regularly. Once the woman is sexually active, she needs to do a pap smear every year and once the pap smears are normal, they can do it every fourth yearly.
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How frogs copulate? #frog #frogs #reproduction #goodvibes

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This behaviour is known as AMPLEXUS – mating hug. Frogs don’t have very good eyesight and are aggressive breeders, because of this male frogs often grab females to achieve amplexus
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Frogs Fertilizing Eggs

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Frogs Fertilizing Eggs

We have a ridiculous amount of frogs in our pool (it’s been broken for several years, and we just haven’t had the time/money to fix it), and we’ve already had a set of frog eggs hatch this year. I hope these ones survive!

you just looked at the description of a youtube video of two frogs doin’ it. Make of that what you will


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Scene from The Mating Habits of The Earthbound Humans
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Copulation Meaning

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Video shows what copulation means. The act of coupling or joining; union; conjunction.. Sexual procreation between a man and a woman or transfer of the sperm from male to female; usually applied to the mating process in nonhuman animals; coitus; coition.. copulation synonyms: Wikisaurus:sexual intercourse. copulation pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. copulation meaning. Powered by MaryTTS
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