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Fiscal Policy and Stimulus: Crash Course Economics #8

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In which Jacob and Adriene teach you about the evils of fiscal policy and stimulus. Well, maybe the policies aren’t evil, but there is an evil lair involved. In this episode we learn how government use taxes and spending influence the economy. Sometimes the government gives, and sometimes it takes. And the giving and the taking can have a profound effect on how economies behave.

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Economic Stimulus: Monetary & Fiscal Policy Explained

On March 11, 2021 the president signed the American Rescue Plan into law, providing a new round of stimulus checks to millions of Americans. That’s an example of fiscal stimulus, not monetary stimulus. Monetary and fiscal policy sound similar, and they are both ways the government can influence the economy. Monetary policy involves the money supply and interest rates, while fiscal policy focuses on taxation and government spending. When there’s an economic slowdown, they typically take the form of stimulus plans like the CARES Act (fiscal stimulus) or quantitative easing (monetary stimulus). Understanding how fiscal and monetary policy are similar and how they differ can help you better understand how government stimulus could affect your portfolio.


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How to Get a Divorce in California — California Divorce Procedures

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How to Get a Divorce in California Attorney Ed Sherman explains California divorce procedures, and reveals the difference between an easy divorce (uncontested) and a difficult divorce (contested). He then shows you how to get an easy California divorce. Ed is the divorce expert attorney who founded Nolo Press, started the self-help law movement, and saved the public BILLIONS of dollars in legal fees with his divorce books and software. People who like Whole Foods (WFM) will especially like this video. Too bad Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore didn’t have this information before they spent two years finalizing their divorce. Be sure to watch to the end for a surprise at
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Gorilla Mating | Mountain Gorilla | BBC Earth

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Gorilla Mating | Mountain Gorilla | BBC Earth

A female in the group chases after the dominant silverback in order to mate with him. But his lack of interest pushes her towards one of the more juvenile adults instead. Subscribe:

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13 ways how divorce affects families

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How divorce affects families?

A family is like all living things; it develops, creates and always advances over time and the family structure changes. Sometimes changes to the family structure happen as a result of new individuals joining the family, through marriage and the birth of children. Today, for many couples, divorce is the inevitable choice and also the easiest solution when the marriage comes to a dead-end. This is the reason why the divorce rate has been increasing in recent years.

This video looks into the affect divorce is having on families.

#divorce #relationships #affect

0:00 Introduction
2:22 Emotional impact
3:12 Stress
3:46 Moving
4:23 Mental health issues
5:00 Behavioral issues
5:17 Trust issues
5:52 Parent-Child relationship
6:28 Depression
7:50 Eating disorder
8:27 Engaging in Risky activities
8:59 Trouble adjusting to change
9:19 Loss of interest
9:41 Anger/irritability


The content of this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health professional or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your condition, if any.

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Five Young Lion Brothers Mate with One Lioness

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A group of five adolescent male lions – dubbed the Musketeers – are wandering the desert looking to find their own kingdom. They come across a lioness, but not all seem interested in settling down.

From the Show: King of the Desert Lions
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Monkey Mating Is Very Best, To Produce Their Off spring! 23

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Thank you for your watching my videos showing you about Monkey Mating Is Very Best, To Produce Their Off spring! 23, please subscribe, share and comment to my channel.
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How Divorce Changes a Man | Moving on After Divorce | Life After Divorce for Men

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How Divorce Changes a Man | Moving on After Divorce | Life After Divorce for Men ” How to move on from a relationship takes a different view of the past 2 years as a single man. As a Divorce Coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of men who are at their end. This gives a viewpoint of what I would do if I could go back in time and tell myself about what to expect the next two years.

Tags Include:
How to Move on from a Relationship
How Divorce Changes a Man,
life after divorce for men,
divorce coach,
self reflection after divorce,
2 years separation divorce,
divorce advice for men,
how to handle a divorce as a man,
what divorce teaches you,
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2 years after divorce,
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how to move on after divorce as a man,
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after divorce moving on,
moving on after divorce

If you could turn back time and speak to yourself during the beginning stages of the divorce, what would you tell yourself? What pitfalls did you hit, what were some major wins, what would you do different? I’m Rene, your divorce and recovery coach and It’s been 2 years since my separation so I thought it appropriate to speak about one of the most tumultuous times men undergo,,,, your separation. But this story isn’t about me but rather our story and it’s one of triumph so let’s start revving that engine.

I’m Rene, a men’s divorce and recovery coach. If I could hold that broken man that was me 2 years ago,,,, alone, in silence, confused and feeling worthless I’d look at him smile and say in no uncertain term that I’m going to go through my biggest renesance and that all this pain, expensive as it is, was all worth it. I was scared, I was really scared but although I bruised, I did scar and that in a matter of weeks not months, I was going to find myself again. That I wasn’t only going to land on my feet but that I dodged a bullet and thrived but it was going to take losing the social circle I gained during those 7 years I was with my ex.

0:00 Introduction
0:45 All this Pain was all Worth it
1:16 Loss Of Friends
1:59 I was arrogant
3:00 Perspective on Reality
4:19 Biggest Fear
5:00 Right Approach to Dating
5:27 First Year Single
6:12 I settled
6:30 Found Love
7:10 How About You
Video Rating: / 5

ADHD Medication

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ADHD Medication

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (#ADHD) affects people’s ability to concentrate and organize their lives. Medication combined with CBT and parental coaching can help those with ADHD.

#ADHD #ADHDMedication #MentalHealth

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How stimulants work in Adult ADHD: Most people know that the stimulant medications can be of great help in Adult ADHD, but most people think it just boosts concentration. They can be wonderfully helpful and I’ve witnessed many people who have found them to be transformative. But there’s no free lunch and it can be helpful to understand what some of the downsides are and how you can mitigate them.

The stimulants (dexamphetaine/Adderall, ritalin/concerta/methylphenidate) have many effects on the brain/body. Many of these aren’t well know to people, or even to their doctors, so we’ll unpack the 10 secrets of stimulant medications:
Secret 1: Stimulants can inhibit natural distractibility
Secret 2: Stimulants can reduce spontaneity, creativity and playfulness
Secret 3: Stimulants can worsen sleep, anxiety, panic and anger
Secret 4: Stimulants can sometimes reduce anger and anxiety
Secret 5: Stimulants stimulate positive emotion with can sometime lead to addiction
Secret 6: Stimulants can increase physical performance, blood pressure and heart rate
Secret 7: Rebound effects are the opposite of the stimulant effects
Secret 8: Sometimes the “crash” can help with sleep
Secret 9: Tolerance can happen over time, that lead to dose creep
Secret 10: Tolerance/dose creep can be mitigated by regular (weekly) breaks from them


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Why Dogs Get Stuck After Mating – Breeding Process Explained

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In this video, we’ll explain why dogs get stuck together during mating, why dogs appear to be distressed by it, and whether you should intervene during a dog tie and lock while after they mate.

Dogs get stuck to each other because there are multiple steps happening while they are mating. Getting stuck or lock is a common, natural phenomenon. It is simply a stage of the dog breeding process, and is technically known as copulatory tie.
And there is no defined time until when the dogs would remain in tie. It may last up to an hour. To understand the full process, we first need to analyze the male canine’s genital organ. The tie gives the female dog a higher chance of getting pregnant. Theories suggest that the reason the two dogs face outward from each another is a form of defense mechanism. It allows the two dogs to survey their surroundings.
If you come across dogs who are tied to another, do not try to separate them. While the dogs often start whimpering, whining or even barking, it’s important to realize that this process is normal and natural.
Separating them is dangerous and can hurt both dogs. It can rupture their sexual organs.
Interestingly enough, this behavior isn’t unique to dogs, it’s found in most canids, including wolves, foxes and coyotes.

Neurobiological Impact of Stimulants Depressants and Hallucinogens

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Neurobiological Impact of Stimulants Depressants and Hallucinogens
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP

– Define stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens
– Discuss
– Mechanism of action
– Symptoms of intoxication
– Symptoms of withdrawal
– Short and long term effects

– See also

Tolerance and Withdrawal
– All psychoactive drugs cause alterations in the neurotransmitter balance.
– Through exposure to either persistent or abnormally high levels of a substance
– Bodily tissues develop resistance to prevent system overload. (ice cubes in the bath)
– The body responds by increasing “balancing” neurotransmitters. (turn up the water heater)
– Once the body has come to depend on the higher level of the substance, when it is withdrawn, then the “balancing neurotransmitters” exert their effect.
– Method of administration greatly effects the intensity and duration of onset for various drugs
– Oral (slowest)
– Inhalation/Snorting
– Inhalation/Smoking
– Injection
– Rectal suppository
– Skin patches (pain relief, smoking cessation)
– Drugs affect everyone differently, based on:
– Size, weight and health (cardiac, thyroid, biological neurotransmitter levels)
– Whether the person is used to taking it
– Whether other drugs are taken concurrently
– The amount taken
– The strength of the drug (varies from batch to batch with illegally produced drugs)
What are Stimulants
– Stimulants are substances that act to excite the central nervous system (HPA-Axis)
– Caffeine
– Amphetamines
– Cocaine
– Used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems, obesity, ADHD, narcolepsy, and occasionally depression

What are Depressants
– Depressants exert the opposite effect of stimulants.
– They s-l-o-w everything down
– Mechanism of Action
– Depressants exert their effects through a number of different pharmacological mechanisms, the most prominent of which include facilitation of GABA, and inhibition of glutamatergic or monoaminergic (dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin) activity

What are Hallucinogens
– Hallucinogens cause profound distortions in a person’s perceptions of reality.
– Some plants and mushrooms (or their extracts) are hallucinogenic, but hallucinogens can also be man-made
– Commonly divided into two broad categories
– Classic hallucinogens (such as LSD)
– Dissociative drugs (such as PCP).
– Ketamine—also known as K, Special K, or cat Valium—is odorless and tasteless and has amnesia-inducing and dissociative properties. (Can facilitate sexual assault.)
– DXM (Dextromethorphan)—also known as robo—is a cough suppressant and expectorant
– Salvia divinorum—also known as diviner’s sage—is a psychoactive plant typically ingested by chewing fresh leaves or by drinking their extracted juices.
What are Hallucinogens
– Hallucinogens interfere with the action serotonin and/or glutamate, which regulate:
– Mood
– Sensory perception and response
– Sleep
– Hunger
– Body temperature
– Sexual behavior
– Muscle control
– Pain perception
– Learning and memory

– Stimulants range from caffeine to methamphetamine and “amp up” the system
– Opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol, inhalants are all CNS depressants
– Combinations of depressants have an exponential additive effect
– Evaluate patients for exposure to all CNS depressants intentional and incidental
– Hallucinogens include LSD, PCP, Peyote, Ketamine and Dextromethorphan
– Recent research has indicated that HPPD is not due to “traces of the drug being freed up”

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Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

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