This presentation covers basic information on the differences between two big drug classes, stimulants and opioids. The presentation compares and contrasts the types of drugs, the effects of the drugs, and overdoses from the drugs. Brought to you by MaineGeneral’s Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Center.
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sex No Comments »This video is an informative animated presentation that explains in detail about sperm retrieval procedures. If a man has trouble getting a woman pregnant, he may have a condition known as infertility. His doctor may recommend a procedure to collect his sperm, so it can be used to help him father a child. Sperm retrieval and collection are usually performed for a condition called Azoospermia where a man has no measureable amounts of sperm in his semen. There are two types of Azoospermia. The first type is called obstructive azoospermia, occurs when the pathway of sperm out of the body is blocked. The second type, called non-obstructive azoospermia, occurs when the testicles produce a little or no sperm. There are several procedures to remove fluid from a testicle or an epididymis to see if it contains health sperm. During percutaneous procedures, sperm are removed through the skin of the scrotum without making an incision. Watch the video to know more about sperm retrieval procedures.
Manipal Hospitals is a certified pioneer in the Indian health-care industry for over 6 decades and has been delivering top-notch health-care services that are curative, preventive and rehabilitative. In an effort to increase awareness on heath concerns among the general public, world-class animation videos are presented in this channel.
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Amphetamine is a stimulant drug that is used primarily in the treatment of ADHD. In this video, I discuss some of the proposed mechanisms by which amphetamine acts on the brain to produce its stimulant effects.
Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this installment I will discuss amphetamine.
Amphetamine is a stimulant drug used mainly in the treatment of ADHD. Several popular drugs, like Adderall, primarily contain amphetamine.
Although we don’t have a full understanding of the effects of amphetamine on the brain, there are some aspects of its pharmacology that are well established. Amphetamine binds to the transporter proteins for monoamines like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin and then can be taken up into neurons via these transporter proteins. Once inside the neuron, amphetamine disrupts the storage of monoamines in synaptic vesicles. One way it does this is by inhibiting
a protein called vesicular monoamine transporter 2, or VMAT2, whose normal role is to transport monoamines into vesicles. Inhibition of VMAT2 leads to higher levels of these neurotransmitters in the neuron.
Through a mechanism or mechanisms that are still not fully understood, amphetamine is then able to cause the monoamine transporter proteins to run in reverse, leading to the increased release of monoamines—especially dopamine and norepinephrine—and increased levels of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft. These elevated monoamine levels can have various effects on different parts of the central nervous system. Increased dopamine levels in the reward system, for example, may contribute to the reinforcing effects of amphetamine use.
Although the primary action of amphetamine is to cause the increased release of monoamines, there are various other mechanisms that may contribute to the effects of the drug. For example, amphetamine also competes with monoamines for reuptake into the neuron, in effect inhibiting reuptake. And it may inhibit the activity of monoamine oxidase, an enzyme that metabolizes monoamines. The effect of both of these actions is to additionally increase levels of monoamines in the neuron and the synaptic cleft.
David J Heal, Sharon L Smith, Jane Gosden, and David J Nutt. Amphetamine, past and present – a pharmacological and clinical perspective. J Psychopharmacol. 2013 Jun; 27(6): 479–496. doi: 10.1177/0269881113482532
Photo credit for image of Adderall: Benjamin Vincent Kasapoglu
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Every spring the male alligators put on a spectacular mating display but can Helen get them to start flirting? Taken from Animal Super Senses. Subscribe:
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This video explains how pigeons mate.
Many people aren’t aware that pigeons don’t have penis/vagina-style sexual organs, instead they both have what is known as a ‘cloaca’. Pigeon sex consists of a cloacal kiss.
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Morning Routine with my Pets | Feeding my Tortoise Breakfast
Since our tortoises don’t have the luxury to run to the kitchen and grab a snack, we have to be careful about what to feed them. The nutritional needs between tortoises varies between species so in this video we’ll delve deep into the subject. We look at what they can eat, how much, how often and what foods they should avoid.
Tortoises live in so many types of environments with different sources of foods available to them, it’s hard to give a general rule for what they can eat as a whole. Because of the wide variety of species and natural environments (and age-related needs, too), there’s some research involved in making sure your tortoise gets the right diet at the right stage of life.
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Did the stimulus work? A new video answers that question by looking at three broad, but important, indicators for the American economy. All three were in bad shape before the stimulus began, and all three turned around at almost exactly the moment the stimulus started. Coincidence?
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Tax season has officially begun and many have questions about claiming a stimulus check as part of their IRS refund. Trudy Howard of Howard Tax Prep LLC offers tips on getting your refund.
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The drugs usually work by boosting levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain.
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COPULATE meaning in English | Whats the Meaning of COPULATE Definition, Synonyms and use
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COPULATE meaning in English | Whats the Meaning of COPULATE Definition, Synonyms and use
Translation: Translation is the translation of a source-language text into a target-language text that conveys the same meaning.
Parts of Speech: Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions, conjunctions and interjections make up the eight parts of speech in the English language. The word’s part of speech reveals its meaning and grammatical function in the context of the sentence. When employed in various contexts, a single word may operate as more than one element of speech. In order to correctly define a word in a dictionary, you must know the components of speech.
Noun: When we use the word “noun,” we’re referring to a person or a location or an object or an idea or a quality.
Pronoun: The pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, they, I, myself, this, that, who, which, and everyone serve as noun substitutes and nouns.
Verb: The verb in a phrase conveys a sense of activity or existence. A primary verb is used, and one or more supporting verbs may also be used. “She’s a talented singer.” There are two verbs here: sing and can.) Number agreement between verb and subject is required in every sentence (both are singular or both are plural). Tense may also be expressed via the use of distinct verb forms.
Adjective: A noun or a pronoun is modified or described by an adjective. It generally responds to the query of which one, what sort, or how many there are. (Usually, articles [a, an, the] are categorised as adjectives.)
Adverb: Adverbs describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, but never nouns. It generally responds when, where, how, why, under what circumstances, and to what extent. Adverbs often end in -ly.
Preposition: A preposition is a word that comes before a noun or pronoun in order to build a phrase that modifies another word or phrase. As a result, a preposition is always included in a prepositional sentence. Almost usually, the prepositional phrase serves as an adjective or an adverb.
Conjunction: A conjunction connects two words, phrases, or sentences and expresses the link between them. Coordinating conjunctions join grammatically equivalent elements: and, but, or, not, for, so, and yet. Because, although, while, since, and other subordinating conjunctions link sentences that are not equal: because, although, while, since, and so on. Other sorts of conjunctions exist as well.
Interjection: Interjections are words that are used to communicate emotion. It is often followed by an exclamation mark.
The meaning and the translation is taken from the Google Translate which internally uses Oxford Dictionary. Read more at
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*This is not legal advice and should not be taken as such. This video is for informational purposes only. If you need legal advice, you should consult individually with an attorney*
This video answers the common question: “How does the divorce process work?” Although no divorce is exactly the same as another, this video explains the general phases that can possibly happen in a divorce case.
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