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How do chickens have sex HD ?

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How do chickens have sex?
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I wanted to take a video of my new feeder i just made but it was interesting to see how chickens have sex too.
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Truth About Divorce – What Do Men Need To Know?

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Divorce is difficult, but men can prepare themselves buy understanding the way family law handles men going through the divorce machine.

Notes below from my video on Divorce. Please share with someone that needs to see this.

This is deep red pill stuff, and answers the question: Why do men go MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) after divorce.

INTRO – Ultimate life hack is the right partner – men die because of divorce.

You do not truly know someone until you divorce them.

Marry on YOUR terms because Divorce is on her terms.


THE REPRESENTATIVE – Baby rabies – Live together before you marry – If you think you have problems before marriage, they will only get worse after. Kids or marriage don’t solve problems, they amplify them.


– woman have no incentive to behave in divorce

Government Policy & Family Law Idealising single mothers like they are an asset to society.

Government fleeces men

You lived with a single mum, and aren’t he biological father? Screw you pay me

She stole your used condom, and used it to get pregnant? Screw you pay me

Broke your back and can’t work? Screw you pay me

Section 7 expenses – anything she chooses to put the kids in, you pay for in Canada at least

If you lost your job as a married couple or couldn’t work for 6 months all would be forgiven. But divorced, it’s fuck you pay me.

If the cost was 0/m for your child why is it ,000/m when divorced?

Female nature
Shame tactics – hell hath no fury like a women scorn.

Criticise to motivate you did it wrong – why did you do it that way – We don’t have enough money – You’re going to wear that?

Men love emotionally, women love opportunistically.

Hypergamy – Women marry up

Parental alienation – he’s been run though the family court system, and if lucky gets to come by once a week and see how effective his ex is at making his own children hate him

All you do is write cheques and watch your children go downhill.

Leavor/Leavee relationship. Women don’t want you to leave, and are insane about it. When women leave you, its over quick. When men leave women, its never over till she has won.

Access, and why you want shared custody.

– Move anywhere in the world without your consent
– Makes decisions without your consent (medical, religious, name change)
– Money all flows to her, and its totally unreasonable in the amount

Fatherless children
Fatherless children are 3 times more likely as a teen to: be pregnant, commit suicide, be suspended from school, abuse drugs/alcohol, join gangs, or end up in jail.
Single mothers with live in boyfriend mean the rate of child maltreatment is 9 times higher than married parents


– Wife divorces 2 days after child is born (full custody)
– Wife takes kid, moves out, makes claim father was abusive – later she gets knocked up by another man, and has a fatherless child – claims less then k income for 2 yrs yet shows up in a range rover for court dates
– Guy stayed in house, wife harassed him, false accusations, raped him. Begged him to have another kid during the divorce.
– Knew a guy that lost 150,000 on the sale of his house
– security cleared to talk to kids, highest security clearance in Iraq, yet needed supervised visits to see his own kids
– False accusations of domestic violence will ruin you.

Rsources: and

STATS – when choosing your partner

– Chances of being in a stable marriage (defined as 5+ yrs) are in the 60% range if age of first sexual activity is 19+. If it was 14 or younger its less than 40% chance
– If She has had 16 or more partners chances of a stable marriage are less then 20%
– Women with more sexual partners are less content in marriage

Bottom line is if your wife has had many sexual partners, and lost her virginity at a young age, your chances of divorce are higher

Stefan Molyneux video relating to stats

My Recommended Red Pill Reads:
The rational male:
Bachelor Pad Economics:
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Attorney Frank Morris, cofounder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win.

Here are the 11 Divorce Survival Rules for Men!

Get the Free Divorce Guide for Men:

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Co-founder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, Frank Morris, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win. He took the time to share his 11 Rules for Surviving Divorce in the video above.


Dolphins mating season.

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New version – Dolphins mating season:

Large group of Spinner Dolphins copulate promiscuous at Red Sea.
Dolphins courting and promiscuous mating on Sataya Reef in Red Sea, Marsa Alam, Egypt

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Underwater test for YI 4K+ action camera
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Videographer / Director: Andrey Nekrasov (
Second videographer: Stanislav Duz (
Editor: Alexander Kurakin (
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Goldfish mating or goldfish playing?
10 gallon goldfish tank, with Black Moor Goldfish.
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11 Things You Should Know Before filing for Divorce

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Your Guide to Planning and Preparing for Divorce in Georgia.
Gather all documents in preparation for litigation.
Do not fraudulently transfer money or property.
Think about your projected budget to live separately (this especially helps when asking for alimony).
Do not accumulate more debt.
Stay active in your children’s lives.
Find new health insurance if you’re on your spouse’s insurance. You will not be allowed to remain on their medical insurance once divorced.
Keep a calendar, if separated, of each parent’s time with the children.
Keep records of who pays the bills.
Plan whether you will stay in Georgia. Plan in education you may need.
Hire an Attorney. Not hiring an Attorney could cost you more than you think.
Speak with your Spouse about the Divorce if at all possible. Communicate what you would like from the Divorce.

The CA Divorce Process – Part 1 of 5 – The Law Offices of Andy I. Chen

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Part 1 of 5 of my video on how to do a divorce in California from the very beginning to the very end.

My video on when a CA divorce is done:

0:00 Introduction
2:52 Points to Remember
3:11 Just a Checklist
5:23 Negotiated Settlement
6:22 Trial
8:14 One Divorce Process
10:41 Be Sure

Links to the other parts:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Connect with us! (Los Altos, CA | Modesto, CA)


(c) 2020 The Law Offices of Andy I. Chen
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Psychostimulants – Cocaine, Amphetamines and other stimulants

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The information contained in this video is for educational purposes only. Description of the pharmacological, psychological and physiological effects of stimulant us and abuse with a focus on drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methamphetamine. Brief discussion of other stimulants and possible treatments for stimulant addiction.

Drugs 101-Stimulants

Drugs 101-Stimulants is the second in a series conducted by HRC and the CAPTC.


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Video Guides Database

FREE Downloadable California Court Forms


DIY Divorce Package

Do you want to learn how to do your own divorce in California, without using a lawyer? provides a series of FREE tutorial videos that will explain, using plain language, how to do your own divorce from start to finish without paying a dime to a lawyer. The website is really free. This introductory video explains how the website works with a Video Database that includes over 50 videos that will walk you through the divorce process with step-by-step instructions. This introductory video explains how things get done in the California court system by filling out and filing various court forms and how the website’s Court Forms Database contains over 130 FREE Judicial Council court forms in a fillable format that you can fill out, save, print, and then file with the court. If you are already divorced, this first video explains how the website also has a series of videos explaining how to modify existing court orders. You may need to modify an existing child custody order or an existing support order. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, this introductory video explains how the website also includes a series of tutorial videos explaining how you can get Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs), Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs), and Domestic Violence Restraining Orders under California’s Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) using the FREE court forms contained in the Court Forms Database.
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An overview of the Date of Separation and why it’s so important in California divorces.

CA Family Code section 70:

0:00 Disclaimers
0:21 Video starts

Connect with us! (Los Altos, CA | Modesto, CA)


(c) 2020 The Law Offices of Andy I. Chen
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Second intercourse sex

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Diana Romanovska Divorce Attorney and a Certified Family Law Specialist in San Francisco, California
T.: 415-347-0584
You can book an appointment online here:

Follow me on Facebook here:
and Instagram here:

Ms. Romanovska is a San Francisco family law attorney, licensed to practice in both California and Germany. She is a Certified Family Law Specialist in San Francisco and unique in her field, a rare divorce attorney who is able to provide legal counsel, representation, and mediation services in English, Russian, and German in order to better serve her clients.
Ms. Romanovska previously worked as a prosecutor in the Office of the District Attorney of the Regional Superior Court of Berlin, and for several large firms including Beiten Burghard & Wegner, and Linklaters Oppenhoff & Raedler. She was awarded the Outstanding Pro Bono Award for Family Law Cases by the Justice and Diversity Center for her volunteer work with the Bar Association of San Francisco in 2012 and 2013. She was also selected to the Super Lawyers® Rising Stars℠ list for her high standards of client care and in-depth knowledge of the law. Ms. Romanovska received her J.D. with a concentration in family law from the Freie University School of Law, a research University located in Berlin and one of the most prominent universities in Germany. She received her Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in US Legal Studies from Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco.
Ms. Romanovska has been a resident of San Francisco since 2009. She was born in Kiev and lived there until the age of 15 when she moved with her family to Germany. Living in such diverse places has given Ms. Romanovska an understanding of different cultures that helps her thoughtfully practice law and be better connected with each of her clients. When Ms. Romanovska moved to San Francisco, she decided that she wanted to start a boutique family law firm so that she would have the time to really connect with her clients and make a difference in each matter. Ms. Romanovska also has a personal understanding of what it is like to go through a divorce, having been through one herself. This personal experience allows her to empathize with her clients and understand what is important to them.
Ms. Romanovska is regarded as one of the best divorce attorneys in San Francisco. Her breadth of experience in California divorce law includes the areas of child custody and visitation rights; child, spousal and domestic partner support; domestic violence restraining orders; and asset and property division. Beyond Ms. Romanovksa’s expertise as a divorce lawyer, she also specializes in other family law matters including prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, as well as the enforcement of premarital and post-marital agreements.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram:
Legal Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. This is not legal advice, nor can I give you legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice for your matter. Nothing in this video should be construed to form an attorney-client relationship.

The 5 Steps to Get a Divorce in California

This is the process when both persons are in agreement. There usually isn’t a court hearing.

I help with the process and paperwork from beginning to end.
Edit: Only the Petitioner signs the Petition (and not the agreement, like I stated on my video).
We assist with form preparation services.
We are not attorneys. We can only help you at your specific direction.
Legal Document Assistant #68, Registered in SF County (CA)
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How Divorce REALLY Impacts Kids' Mental Health

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Since MARRIAGE STORY covers a family in the throes of divorce, we wanted to discuss the impact of divorce on young children’s mental health.

According to a study discussed in @The Guardian, parental separation is more likely to harm the mental health of children if they are aged at least seven when the split occurs.

Minors aged between seven and 14 at the time of the split exhibit a 16% rise in emotional problems, such as anxiety and depressive symptoms, and an 8% increase in conduct disorders.

In contrast, children whose parents separate when they are between three and seven are not more likely to develop such problems either immediately or by the age of 14 than those still living with both parents.

Our panel of mental health experts are discussing this and more in our segment of psychology in the news that we call Being Human.

Read the study that inspired our discussion here:


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