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Dozens of male common toads jockey for position, as they try to mate with the single female – and they can be pretty rough about it. It’s the most unrefined of rituals, a stark contrast to the very regal surroundings of Neuschwanstein.
From the Series: Wild Castles: Neuschwanstein http://bit.ly/2SRqKXb Video Rating: / 5
In a dangerous quest to find a mate, the hourglass tree frog must navigate Costa Rica’s rainy season in near-complete darkness.
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New Jersey divorce accountant Robert A. Bonavito, CPA, provides divorce tax advice. Divorce can be very expensive. In this video, we focus on various tax aspects of divorce, including how to protect tax deductions and tax planning that can easily save you over ,000.
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An explanation of the Divorce process in California. Family Law Matters – Protecting You and Your Loved Ones Using Christian Principles. Video Rating: / 5
My video on the 5 questions you should be prepared to answer if you’re thinking of getting a divorce in California.
CA Family Code section 70: http://bit.ly/2HI1okT
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Define stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens Discuss their ◦ Mechanism of action ◦ Symptoms of intoxication ◦ Symptoms of withdrawal ◦ Short and long term effects ◦ Common street names Differential diagnosis
3. Method of administration greatly effects the intensity and duration of onset for various drugs ◦ Oral (slowest) ◦ Inhalation/Snorting ◦ Inhalation/Smoking ◦ Injection ◦ Rectal suppository ◦ Skin patches AllCEUs.com Unlimited Online CEUs | Interactive Webinars
4. Drugas affect everyone differently, based on: ◦ Size, weight and health ◦ Whether the person is used to taking it ◦ Whether other drugs are taken concurrently ◦ The amount taken ◦ The strength of the drug (varies from batch to batch with illegally produced drugs)
5. Stimulants are substances that act to excite the central nervous system ◦ Caffeine ◦ Amphetmines ◦ Cocaine
6. Stimulants increase alertness, attention, and energy, as well as elevate blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems, obesity, neurological disorders, ADHD, narcolepsy, and occasionally depression
7. Stimulants enhance norepinephrine and dopamine. Increase in dopamine can induce a feeling of euphoria when stimulants are taken nonmedically. Norepinepherine also increases blood pressure and heart rate, constricts blood vessels, increases blood glucose, and opens up breathing passages. Video Rating: / 5
A newly coupled lion and lioness head to the relative solitude of the higher grounds in their new kingdom of Rwanda. Over the next four days, they’ll mate over 100 times a day.
Watch the Full Episode with your FREE trial for Smithsonian Channel Plus by signing up today at https://watch.smithsonianchannel.com/
From the Show: Lions Unleashed
Lila is back with yet another video to inform and enlight our viewers. Today’s topic is the top ten things to keep in mind before getting the divorce. Divorce and marriages are not done in seconds these include time and efforts from both partners, but when relationships don’t work our they tend to bend over to the side of divorce thus, couples decide to break apart. In today’s video, we will discuss what things we should keep in mind before the divorce. Couples who want to take divorce should know these so watch this video till the end and also share this video with as many people to enlighten them. Lila, your law guide will be back with another interesting topic until then, If you like our content and the information we provide you with subscribe and also hit the like button.
लीला में आज हम बात करेंगे तलाक लेने से पहले आपको किन किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए| इसमें दोनों भागीदारों का समय और प्रयास शामिल हैं, लेकिन रिश्ते में खटास जब हद से ज्यादा बढ़ जाती हैं, और बहुत ज्यादा खटपट होने लगती हैं, तो वे तलाक के पक्ष में झुक जाते हैं, इसलिए जोड़े अलग होने का फैसला करते हैं। आज के वीडियो में, हम बात करेंगे कि तलाक से पहले हमें किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। जोड़े जो तलाक लेना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए ये जानना बहुत जरूरी हैं| इस वीडियो को अंत तक देखें और इस वीडियो को अधिक से अधिक लोगों के साथ साझा करें।
#Divorce #lawinhindi #leadindialaw
Top 10 things you should know before filing divorce
तलाक लेने से पहले जाने ये 10 बातें
2. केवल आर्य समाज मंदिर में शादी करना सही है या गलत ? ⤵
3. गाजियाबाद में किसकी हो सकती है शादी ? ⤵
4. दिल्ली में किसकी हो सकती है शादी ? ⤵
5. लव मैरिज के लिए सुप्रीम कोर्ट जारी की नई गाइडलाइन⤵
6. शादी को रजिस्टर करने के फायदे।⤵
7. आर्य समाज में की गई शादी मान्य होती है ? ⤵
8. स्पेशल मैरिज एक्ट से शादी कैसे करे ? ⤵
9. कोर्ट मैरिज के बाद सरकार की तरफ से कितना पैसा मिलता है ? ⤵
10. शादी के नाम पर आपके साथ ना हो धोखाधड़ी, जरूर देखे यह विड़ियो।⤵
11. शादी का रजिस्ट्रेशन कराना जरूरी क्यो है ? ⤵
12. कोर्ट मैरिज के बाद अखबार में विज्ञापन देने के फायदे जानिए।⤵
13. कोर्ट मैरिज कैसे करें (अपडेट अगस्त 2019) ⤵
14. प्रेम विवाह कैसे करें⤵
15. सिर्फ 2 घंटे में शादी करने वालों से रहे दूर⤵
16. कोर्ट मैरिज के लिए कौन-कौन से दस्तावेज लगते है⤵
17. लीला में विवाह बुकिंग क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है⤵
IPC section 147, 148, 149⤵
IPC section 509⤵
IPC Section 120A & 120B⤵
IPC section 302⤵
IPC Section 376⤵
IPC Section 354⤵
IPC section 420⤵
IPC section 495⤵
IPC section 504 and 506⤵
IPC Section 307 ⤵
Video Rating: / 5
ITS ALL ABOUT LAW AND AWARENESS.Illiteracy or ignorance of law knowledge is the cancer of the Indian society ,let ‘s cure it with the medicine of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE OF LAW. I have created this channel keeping in mind that I will make valuable videos on every current and burning issues regarding law and awareness except religious or political .
America has spent trillions of dollars on stimulus packages to prop up its economy in the face of the covid-19 pandemic. But is it working—and what will the long-term effects be? Our experts answer your questions.
Question timecodes:
00:00 Introduction to US economic stimulus
00:44 Where does the stimulus money come from?
01:43 Will the funds actually reach the people who need it most?
03:00 How does the American economic stimulus compare to other countries globally?
04:08 Has the increased unemployment benefit disincentivised people from going back to work?
05:08 How will America’s economic stimulus impact inflation?
06:24 Should Americans be concerned that the stimulus will put the government in debt?
08:28 Can the positive effects of the covid-19 stimulus on the US economy be shown?
09:23 Is America becoming more socialist by handing out this stimulus?
Further reading:
Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19 here: https://econ.st/2CQRUr2
Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage: https://econ.st/3l79OHi
Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of the US presidential election here: https://econ.st/2CM2oYz
Sign up to The Economist’s weekly “Checks and Balance” newsletter to keep up to date with our coverage of American politics: https://econ.st/3l5C4dl
Read about how universal basic income is gaining momentum in America: https://econ.st/2QakJSe
What Wall Street’s results tell you about America’s economy: https://econ.st/3aLIycL
Read about how the postal service has become vital to America’s elections: https://econ.st/2YpjSlj
How Donald Trump polarised postal voting: https://econ.st/3l6FOv5
Democrats set factionalism aside for the big push against Donald Trump: https://econ.st/31iSPK0 Video Rating: / 5
A hen lays an egg every day, but unless there is a rooster the egg will not be fertile and will never hatch into a baby.
The rooster jumps on the hen and breeds her and the egg gets fertilized inside the hen before she lays it. Chickens are not like fish or frogs where the egg is fertilized outside, with chickens the egg is fertilized inside the hen.
It’s important to keep an eye on the rooster and make sure he’s not too aggressive and hurting the hens. A polite rooster will do a little mating dance to trigger the breeding.
If there is a rooster with the hen the eggs she lays will be fertile, and if she sits on the fertile eggs for 21 days they will hatch into baby chickens. Video Rating: / 5
Find more videos about medication at https://totallyadd.com/video-categories/?category=medication-mastering-your-adhd
Our 99 Chapter video about ADHD Medication is available for sale at https://totallyaddshop.com/products/adhd-medication
Do I Have ADD? Take our test here and get an idea https://totallyadd.com/adhd-quiz/
The following is taken from ADHD Medication: Straight Answers to Big Questions.
Coach Laurie Dupar: I talk about stimulant medications because what they’re stimulating is they’re stimulating that dopamine in our brain. So I actually called them dopamine boosters.
Dr. Stephanie Sarkis: So there are four neurotransmitters in the brain, there’s serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and GABA, and those neurotransmitters, depending on the level of those neurotransmitters in your brain, that affects ADHD behavior, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, any
kind of brain issue can be related to how much dopamine you have or how much norepinephrine, depending on the disorder that you have between the synapses of neurons in your brain.
Rick Green (Comedian with a degree in Science) neurotransmitter, neuro from the Latin or is it Greek something for brain and transmitter from the English for transmitting. How does it work? Well I don’t want to get all scientific and talk about how the action potential travels from the presynaptic cell down the axon towards the postsynaptic cell which is separated by the synaptic cleft and so the synaptic vesicles that contain the neurotransmitter which has been synthesized from enzymes and then stored in the vesicles until the action potential causes the vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release their neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap or cleft and then you know the neurotransmitters flow across and bind with the postsynaptic receptors and
the neurotransmitters in the cleft are deactivated by reuptake or enzymatic degradation leaving the synapse free to transmit the next action potential.
So instead here’s the town of incoming and this is the town of destination and they’re separated by the synapse River and a delivery truck carrying a message comes along and the message is loaded from the delivery truck onto a ferryboat.
The ferry boat crosses the river and the message is unloaded and put on to another delivery truck and the ferry is either taken out of service or it melts and sinks into the river all gone and that ferry is the ship dopamine.
The problem with ADHD is that this dopamine doesn’t stay around long enough, our bodies are recycling it too quickly before it’s had time to make a connection and transmit the information across. It’s (Woosh) gone too soon.
By slowing down this flushing away or recycling or re-uptake of the dopamine the medications allow more dopamine to be available to form the connection and transmit the message.
Dr. Steven Kurtz: you know the medicines that people take correct the amount of dopamine available in these little synapses. These are minute changes it’s not like the presence of dopamine or the absence of dopamine.
So those minute changes account for a lot of difference in outcome.
Rick Green: it’s like I say if the ferry crosses the half-mile-wide river but falls just 30 feet short or doesn’t stay long enough for you to get your car unloaded from the ferry nothing arrives.
Laurie Dupar: and what the medications do is they actually help to, I call re-balance some of those neurotransmitters
Rick Green: well whoa not so fast we’re still using that dopamine to get the signal across. That’s what’s happening.
Laurie Dupar: so it’s like they’re boosting that dopamine in your brain and it can be incredibly effective.
Rick Green: Now unlike a ferry the dopamine is used and removed it’s recycled so that the next signal can appear there’s another gap. They call it re uptake, they take it back up your body re-uptakes it.
If we can slow that down so it stays there a little longer if we can inhibit the re-uptake we have a
re uptake inhibitor. So the stimulant isn’t stimulating your whole body the way music does.
So when you get upset with yourself, I can’t remember where I put my keys, consider that you can’t remember a memory that you never made in the first place.
Dr. Margaret Weiss: The objective of treatment is to optimize the response of the individual.
But we wanted to find out from the perspective of the kid!
Today we interview Marc Highland, one of our Client Representatives, to find out how his parents’ divorce affected his self-worth and feelings, and how he feels about it today.
You’ll also learn about the role parents play within childhood development- losing a parent is a big fear so when it actually happens, it’s devastating.
To read more on this topic, visit: http://www.marriagehelper.com/divorce-and-children
& http://www.marriagehelper.com/how_does_divorce_affect_children.php
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