"Both me and my wife wanted something that could support our natural hair growth. It was incredibly hard for me but I could tell that for her was devastating. Now, after 7 years of searching, it’s like we’re born again. I’ve just ordered twelve more bottles!"
Medication abbreviations for frequencies and orders: Medical terminology and nursing terminology abbreviations explained.
As a nurse, you’ll want to be familiar with common abbreviations used to administer medication. For example, what does AC and PC mean? What about BID, TID, or QID?
In this video, you’ll learn common abbreviations, including the following medical abbreviations:
-Ad Lib
and more
These abbreviations are important to know for nursing school, nursing school exams (ATI, HESI, etc.), NCLEX, and for working on the job.
The abbreviations do sometimes get updated, so it’s important that you check with your employer before using any abbreviations. If you’re ever in doubt, write it out.
Standing in this 21st century for the term Collate Printing Terminology, the printing industry hasn’t lost its significance. Even one might be having a small printer in their home or offices; still, sometimes people need the services of print companies.
However, as the world of printing is very vast, one needs to learn about the printing terms thoroughly. One such printing lingo is Collate. Video Rating: / 5
School Education anatomy resource. 3D Anatomica provides learning resources to educational organisations explaining how the body works, the effects of smoking, hallucinogenic, depressive, stimulants and alcohol on the body. Video Rating: / 5
When it comes to reproduction, animals have found some imaginative ways to copulate. Maddie Moate explores the unbelievable world of animal sex.
For mobile users, videos linked at end are:
How Animals Attract a Mate (Explained): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gNZ5qgEyWM
Can animals be gay? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrtw29g35xE
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Inarguably, it’s pretty bad right now.
Businesses are closing, unemployment is rising, and people are scared for their health.
Fortunately, governments are coming to the rescue with a swath of economic bailouts, stimulus checks, and hardship support.
And since we’re living through an event that will shape economic policy for generations to come, it’s an ideal time to explore what economic responses we want to replicate in the future, as well as which government policies have completely fumbled the economic response of 2020.
By doing this, we should be able to analyze the efficiency of government spending for the purposes of creating a strong economy.
📚 Want to learn more about the economics of stimulus packages? We recommend reading “The Courage to Act: A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath”, by Ben Bernanke
👉 https://amzn.to/2BJvAyx (as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases)
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#Stimulus #Bailout #Economics
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Morgon Goranson, Andy Potanin, Wicked Pilates, Tadeáš Ursíny, Logan, Angus Clydesdale, Michael G Harding, Hamad AL-Thani, Conrad Reuter, Tom Szuszai, Ryan Katz, Jack Doe, Igor Bazarny, Ronnie Henriksen, Irsal Mashhor, LT Marshall, Zara Armani, Bharath Chandra Sudheer, Dalton Flanagan, Andrew Harrison, Hispanidad, Michael Tan, Michael A. Dunn, Alex Gogan, Mariana Velasque, Bejomi, Sugga Daddy, Matthew Collinge, Kamar, Kekomod, Edward Flores, Brent Bohlken, Bobby Trusardi, Bryan Alvarez, EmptyMachine, Snuggle Boo Boo ThD, Christmas Video Rating: / 5
The government sent out an unprecedented amount of money to help Americans deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. It is easy to tell if you received a payment, but it can be complicated to understand the finer details of the policy. Watch this video to learn about what the checks mean for your future tax refunds, who may have to repay the money and to see if you will be eligible for a potential second round of stimulus. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/2NGeIvi
The IRS and Treasury Department issued more than 0 billion in stimulus payments to Americans at the start of the Covid-19 shutdown.
The checks were meant to give immediate relief directly to people and help boost the economy in the process, but the finer details of the program may be lost on some who received the payments.
One example is that the payments are technically considered a tax credit, but they will not affect your future tax returns, according to Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation. Some people were under the impression the checks were part of their tax refund.
The technicality helps the IRS and the Treasury Department issue payments with an existing system and calling the checks a credit streamlined the process, Watson said.
Check out this video to learn more about how the stimulus checks work and to see what we know about eligibility requirements for the potential second round of payments being debated in Congress.
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How does divorce affect teenagers? Are you aware of the possible impact it could have? Watch Paul explain in this video the effects of divorce on teens.
I’m probably very well equipped to do this video because I also used to do divorce mediation. In fact, that’s what I did two decades ago before I began saving marriages so I have seen it. When I started saving marriages, I saw it then too and everyone thinks, not everyone obviously, but many people think, ‘Well, they’re teenagers. It’s okay. They’re passed that point and they’ll understand and a lot of their friends are coming from broken families and I’m here to tell you that teenagers are impacted as much or more than smaller children.
Do you remember what it was like when you were a teenager, male or female?
You are going through puberty or you have before gone through puberty and your life is like crazy. You don’t know whether you’re a duck or a swan. You don’t know what you are. You
don’t know what you’re doing. You’re fighting for stature in your little niche community. You’re doing the best to survive and you’re barely surviving because teenagers are brutal to each other and now you’re going to let your teenage sons and daughters know you’re
getting a divorce. Wow, think about it — think the impact.
How does it affect them like life isn’t tough enough for them?
I mean most people, the hardest part of their life for their teen years. You had this. Statistically, and these statistics are real. They’ve been keeping track in this stuff for over 40 years. Teen pregnancies — way more. Suicides — way more. Stealing things — way more. Drugs, alcohol way more. Screwed up relationships — way more. Studies — way worse. It’s hard.
Years ago, a friend of mine’s wife called me up so-and-so and I are talking about a divorce, “What do you think?” And I said, “Look, it’s going to really affect.” I mentioned her daughter’s name and she asked, “Well, how?” I gave her the raw statistics and she’s in a field where statistics mean a lot, she understands numbers and she said, “Okay I got it. We’ll be together. We’ll remain together.”
She read my book because it was that long ago that all I had were a couple of books and she used it and they’re happily married now, they’re happily married. They decided to push through their stuff for the sake of their teenage daughter and I’m telling you even if you had to live a life of misery for the next four or five years, do it. You owe it to your children. They didn’t ask to be born. You brought them into this world. You didn’t have to do that but you are obligated now to take care of them. The effect is traumatic.
There’s no way to pretend it isn’t and these people who say, “Well, it’s better than have a couple who’s fighting.” No, it’s not. I don’t know any kid who didn’t grow up in a house where their parents were screaming at each other — that was a long time ago. It’s not quite like that anymore but they stuck it out anyway but you don’t even have to just stick it out. You can learn how to be married. Marriage isn’t supposed to be torture. It’s supposed to be wonderful and you can still have it. You don’t know how to be married. Where did you learn? From your own parents, right? Stick it out, don’t give up on your marriage. Do it for your children’s sake. You’ll get good karma for sure. Worse is if you don’t stick it out you’ll get bad karma. Okay. I shouldn’t be saying that because what do I know but we do know what happens to teenagers and it is not pretty. It’s bad. The part that really affects me is the suicide rate. Over 80% of all suicides are from people who came from broken homes.
“Sex Copulation” This movie was shot based on true life stories, to educate our young ones and adult not to go into prostitution or crime….. “Subscribe Now” and “Click On The Notification Button” so you would be notified when we upload the part two Video Rating: / 5
Why do dogs stick when they mate? In this new video from AnimalWised we will answer this question and explain in a clear and simple way why dogs get locked together after mating. If you have ever witnessed this situation or simply would like to know the reason for behavior, discover with us why dogs get stuck when they mate, something that happens during the canine copulation process. This mating process is required for the different stages of insemination to occur. We also show you why it is so important not to separate dogs which are stuck during mating. If you want to know a little more, you can go over to our site to read the original article: https://www.animalwised.com/why-do-dogs-get-stuck-when-mating-the-answer-2432.html
On AnimalWised you’ll discover a high quality channel that’s exclusively devoted to the Animal Kingdom. You’ll find all sorts of content: from training, diet or beauty and everything that can be useful for you as a pet owner or animal lover. Want to become AnimalWised? Take a look and have fun with us!
AnimalWised Web – https://www.animalwised.com/ Video Rating: / 5
Thanks to 23andMe for sponsoring this video! https://www.23andme.com/minuteearth
Male birds have the largest genital diversity of any class of animals because their sex chromosomes make it easy to pass male-helping mutations down the line.
Thanks also to our supporters on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth
To learn more, start your googling with these keywords:
Sex chromosome: A chromosome involved in determining the sex of an individual.
Cloaca: A posterior orifice that serves as the only exit for the gastrointestinal, urinary and genital tracts.
Mutation: An alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
Sexually-selected Trait: A trait based on a mutation that confers a reproductive advantage.
BMP4: A protein whose presence halts the growth of bird penises in the egg.
If you liked this week’s video, you might also like:
An article from The Week about some of the strangest penises in the animal kingdom: http://theweek.com/articles/474417/12-weirdest-animal-penises-earth-updated
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Credits (and Twitter handles):
Script Writer: David Goldenberg (@dgoldenberg)
Script Editor: Kate Yoshida (@KateYoshida)
Video Illustrator: Ever Salazar (@eversalazar)
Video Director: Emily Elert (@eelert)
Video Narrator: Emily Elert (@eelert)
With Contributions From: Henry Reich, Alex Reich, Peter Reich
Music by: Nathaniel Schroeder: http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder
Brennan, P. and Prum, R. (2015). Mechanisms and Evidence of Genital Coevolution: The Roles of Natural Selection,Mate Choice, and Sexual Conflict. 1-21. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. Retrieved from: http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/content/7/7/a017749.abstract
Brennan, P. (2013). Genital Evolution: Cock-a-Doodle-Don’t. Current Biology. R523-R525. Retrieved from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982213004430
Brennan, P., Birkhead, T., Zyskowski, K., van der Waagand, J., and Prum, R. (2008). Independent evolutionary reductions of the phallus in basal birds. Journal of Avian Biology, 39: 487-492. Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0908-8857.2008.04610.x/abstract.
Briskie, J. and Montgomerie, R. (1997). Sexual selection and the intromittent organ of birds. Journal of Avian Biology. 28: 73-86. Retrieved from: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3677097?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Herrera, A., Brennan, P., and Cohn, M. (2014). Development of Avian External Genitalia: Interspecific Differences and Sexual Differentiation of the Male and Female Phallus. Sexual Development. 9: 43-52. Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25011524.
Reinhold, K. (1998). Sex linkage among genes controlling sexually selected traits. Sexual Selection. 44:1-7. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s002650050508.
Image Credits:
Mandarin Ducks – Francis C. Franklin
Gorillas – Based on photo by Wikimedia user No escape
Lake Duck Penis – Kevin McCracken (Published in Nature 2001)
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-drugs-affect-the-brain-sara-garofalo
Most people will take a pill, receive an injection, or otherwise take some kind of medicine during their lives. But most of us don’t know anything about how these substances actually work. How can various compounds impact the way we physically feel, think, and even behave? Sara Garofalo explains how some drugs can alter the communication between cells in the brain.
Lesson by Sara Garofalo, directed by Adriatic Animation.
Webinar Description
This presentation will describe the national scope of stimulant use. The acute and chronic mental health and physical health consequences of stimulant use will be presented, including information on the impact of stimulant use on memory and cognition. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on how to implement effective behavioral treatment interventions with people who use stimulants, and the necessary adaptations needed to engage and retain people in care.
During this webinar you will learn how to:
-Identify three specific national patterns and trends in stimulant use.
-Recall at least three short-term and three-long term physical and psychological effects of stimulant use.
-Apply at least two specific behavioral treatment interventions and two recovery approaches that have been.
Thomas E. Freese, PhD, is the Co-Director of UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (UCLA ISAP) and Co-Director of the SAMHSA-supported Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center, HHS Region 9 (PSATTC).
Beth Rutkowski, MPH, is the Director of Training of UCLA ISAP and Co-Director of the PSATTC. Dr. Freese and Ms. Rutkowski Co-Chair the ATTC Stimulant Workgroup with Jeanne Pulvermacher, MS, from the Great Lakes ATTC, HHS Region 9.