Archive for October, 2022

Truth About Divorce – What Do Men Need To Know?

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Divorce is difficult, but men can prepare themselves buy understanding the way family law handles men going through the divorce machine.

Notes below from my video on Divorce. Please share with someone that needs to see this.

This is deep red pill stuff, and answers the question: Why do men go MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) after divorce.

INTRO – Ultimate life hack is the right partner – men die because of divorce.

You do not truly know someone until you divorce them.

Marry on YOUR terms because Divorce is on her terms.


THE REPRESENTATIVE – Baby rabies – Live together before you marry – If you think you have problems before marriage, they will only get worse after. Kids or marriage don’t solve problems, they amplify them.


– woman have no incentive to behave in divorce

Government Policy & Family Law Idealising single mothers like they are an asset to society.

Government fleeces men

You lived with a single mum, and aren’t he biological father? Screw you pay me

She stole your used condom, and used it to get pregnant? Screw you pay me

Broke your back and can’t work? Screw you pay me

Section 7 expenses – anything she chooses to put the kids in, you pay for in Canada at least

If you lost your job as a married couple or couldn’t work for 6 months all would be forgiven. But divorced, it’s fuck you pay me.

If the cost was 0/m for your child why is it ,000/m when divorced?

Female nature
Shame tactics – hell hath no fury like a women scorn.

Criticise to motivate you did it wrong – why did you do it that way – We don’t have enough money – You’re going to wear that?

Men love emotionally, women love opportunistically.

Hypergamy – Women marry up

Parental alienation – he’s been run though the family court system, and if lucky gets to come by once a week and see how effective his ex is at making his own children hate him

All you do is write cheques and watch your children go downhill.

Leavor/Leavee relationship. Women don’t want you to leave, and are insane about it. When women leave you, its over quick. When men leave women, its never over till she has won.

Access, and why you want shared custody.

– Move anywhere in the world without your consent
– Makes decisions without your consent (medical, religious, name change)
– Money all flows to her, and its totally unreasonable in the amount

Fatherless children
Fatherless children are 3 times more likely as a teen to: be pregnant, commit suicide, be suspended from school, abuse drugs/alcohol, join gangs, or end up in jail.
Single mothers with live in boyfriend mean the rate of child maltreatment is 9 times higher than married parents


– Wife divorces 2 days after child is born (full custody)
– Wife takes kid, moves out, makes claim father was abusive – later she gets knocked up by another man, and has a fatherless child – claims less then k income for 2 yrs yet shows up in a range rover for court dates
– Guy stayed in house, wife harassed him, false accusations, raped him. Begged him to have another kid during the divorce.
– Knew a guy that lost 150,000 on the sale of his house
– security cleared to talk to kids, highest security clearance in Iraq, yet needed supervised visits to see his own kids
– False accusations of domestic violence will ruin you.

Rsources: and

STATS – when choosing your partner

– Chances of being in a stable marriage (defined as 5+ yrs) are in the 60% range if age of first sexual activity is 19+. If it was 14 or younger its less than 40% chance
– If She has had 16 or more partners chances of a stable marriage are less then 20%
– Women with more sexual partners are less content in marriage

Bottom line is if your wife has had many sexual partners, and lost her virginity at a young age, your chances of divorce are higher

Stefan Molyneux video relating to stats

My Recommended Red Pill Reads:
The rational male:
Bachelor Pad Economics:
Video Rating: / 5

Attorney Frank Morris, cofounder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win.

Here are the 11 Divorce Survival Rules for Men!

Get the Free Divorce Guide for Men:

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Co-founder of Divorce Lawyers for Men, Frank Morris, has been trying and winning cases for his clients for over 35 years. During those 35 years he developed several rules that have helped his clients to win. He took the time to share his 11 Rules for Surviving Divorce in the video above.


Dolphins mating season.

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New version – Dolphins mating season:

Large group of Spinner Dolphins copulate promiscuous at Red Sea.
Dolphins courting and promiscuous mating on Sataya Reef in Red Sea, Marsa Alam, Egypt

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Underwater test for YI 4K+ action camera
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Videographer / Director: Andrey Nekrasov (
Second videographer: Stanislav Duz (
Editor: Alexander Kurakin (
Video Rating: / 5

Goldfish mating or goldfish playing?
10 gallon goldfish tank, with Black Moor Goldfish.
Video Rating: / 5

11 Things You Should Know Before filing for Divorce

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Your Guide to Planning and Preparing for Divorce in Georgia.
Gather all documents in preparation for litigation.
Do not fraudulently transfer money or property.
Think about your projected budget to live separately (this especially helps when asking for alimony).
Do not accumulate more debt.
Stay active in your children’s lives.
Find new health insurance if you’re on your spouse’s insurance. You will not be allowed to remain on their medical insurance once divorced.
Keep a calendar, if separated, of each parent’s time with the children.
Keep records of who pays the bills.
Plan whether you will stay in Georgia. Plan in education you may need.
Hire an Attorney. Not hiring an Attorney could cost you more than you think.
Speak with your Spouse about the Divorce if at all possible. Communicate what you would like from the Divorce.